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General Care

Over time, fine jewelry can become a true family treasure. For that to happen it should be cared for properly. Dust, different kinds of domestic things (such as soap and washing powder) and daily wear might damage it. With proper care, your jewelry will retain its brilliance, beauty and character for many generations to come. That is why we encourage you to read our basic advices on how to care for your precious creations.

  1. Keep your jewelry in a clean and dry place.
  2. Store your jewelry in an individual pouch, in the original Zarapkhana box or in a separate compartment of jewelry box. If you plan to store the jewelry in an ordinary box, it is recommended to wrap it in a soft paper.
  3. Before removing your jewelry creation, make sure it is dry as the wet jewelry can become stained over time.
  4. Do not store the different jewelry together as this can cause its damage.
  5. If possible, remove your jewelry before starting any household activity, especially washing and laundering, as certain chemical compounds can damage it.
  6. It is very important to keep your jewelry away from chlorous water as the substances containing chlorine cause its damage.
  7. Fabric used to clean your jewelry should be of a soft surface material and not a synthetic fabric.


Diamond is a very celebrated jewelry. Some of the diamond creations, such as engagement and bridal rings, are worn by us for 24 hours a day. Nevertheless the precautions you take with such jewelry, it requires some special care and refit from time to time. Even though a diamond is distinguished by its durability, it still needs special precautions. Different kinds of powders, soaps and natural oils can damage it and can cloud its initial brilliance. The pure diamond has more sparkle as more rays of light can penetrate through it.


There are lots of gemstones in the world, and some of them require thorough care. It would be difficult to speak about all of the gemstones; however, the certain basic rules of care will be introduced below.


Gold creations, typically, represent the most part of family jewelry heritage. Gold is different by its color and composition. However, the general rules of care also apply to it.

Head office

Lubliana str. 15, 0159
Tbilisi, Georgia
Working Hours: 10:00 - 19:00
Tel.: (+995 32) 2510001
Fax: (+995 32) 2530044


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